
our Mission

Passion community church exists to lead people into a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Jan. 07, 2025

Come Alive in ‘25

Week 1 – Gathering

January 5, 2025

Ephesians 1:5a (The Living Bible) [God’s] unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us.

1 Timothy 3:15 (NCV) I am writing these things to you [so that] you will know how to live in the family of God. That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth.


F________ friends.

Genesis 2:18 (GNB) Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to live alone. I will make a suitable companion to help him.”

Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV) A man who has friends must himself be friendly…”


A_____________ my deepest _____________.

God’s grace _______________:

1 Thessalonians 1:3 (NLT) As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s grace _________________:

2 Corinthians 1:3–5 (The Message) All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.

M_________ a difference with my _____________.

1 Peter 4:10 (NIV) Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

Philippians 2:1–4 (The Message) If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care—then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other…Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.”

I___________ in my _____________.

Proverbs 24:3 (NCV) It takes wisdom to have a good family, and it takes understanding to make it strong.”

L__________ out God’s ____________________.

JESUS: Matthew 5:17 (NLT) Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.”

John 10:10b (GNB) I have come in order that you might have life—life in all its fullness.

Y___________ my life to God’s ____________.

Luke 9:35 (AMP) Then there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to and yield to and obey Him!

Romans 6:13 (GNB) Give yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life, and surrender your whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes.”

TRUTH: I cannot live out my ______________ without a church _____________.